Amazon Connect is a cloud-based contact center service that allows businesses to easily provide exceptional customer service at any scale.

Setting Up in Amazon Connect


  • An existing Amazon Connect instance with Contact Trace Records (CTRs) enabled.
  • Administrative permissions within your Amazon Connect instance.
  1. Access Amazon Connect:
  2. Enable Contact Trace Records (CTRs):
    • Within your instance settings, find the section for Data Storage.
    • Ensure that Contact Trace Records (CTRs) are enabled and configured to capture the details of interactions you want to analyze.

Generating API Access

  1. Open the IAM Console: Navigate to
  2. Create a New IAM Role:
    • Go to "Roles" -> "Create Role".
    • Select "AWS Service" as the trusted entity and choose "Connect".
    • Click "Next: Permissions".
  3. Attach Policy:
    • Attach the AmazonConnect_FullAccess policy for broad access, or create a custom policy with these minimum permissions:
      • connect:ListContactFlows
      • connect:ListContactTraceRecords
    • Click "Next: Tags" (add tags if desired) -> "Next: Review".
    • Give your role a descriptive name (e.g., "Dimension Connect Integration") and click "Create Role".

Retrieving Conversational Data

  • Choose Your Method:

    • AWS SDK: Use the SDK for your preferred language (Python, JavaScript, etc.) for programmatic interaction.
    • AWS CLI: Use the AWS Command Line Interface for convenient scripting.
  • Python Example (Boto3):

    import boto3
    # Replace with your credentials and region
    session = boto3.Session(
    connect = session.client('connect')
    # Get Contact Flows (if needed)
    response = connect.list_contact_flows(InstanceId='YOUR_CONNECT_INSTANCE_ID')
    # Get Contact Trace Records
    contact_id = 'YOUR_CONTACT_ID'  # Obtain from contact flows or otherwise
    response = connect.list_contact_trace_records(
    # Process CTR data (see next step)

POST responses to Dimension

When you're ready to pass the data to Dimension, post it to the following endpoint:

Make sure to set the ‘Content-Type’ header to ‘application/json’ and to replace API_KEY_HERE with your api key.

You must send the data with the following fields:

  • text – string – (required)
  • userId – string – (required) – should be the SAME userId for both incoming and outgoing messages this is NOT the bot’s user ID

To review all optional fields see our API reference.

The data to POST should pass the following data:

  "text": "Hi, bot",
  "userId": "+14155551234",
  "platformJson": {
    "whateverJson": "any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"

Sample cURL

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{"text":"Hi, bot","userId":"+14155551234","platformJson":{"whateverJson":"any JSON specific to your platform can be stored here"}}'

Notice, you must replace the placeholder API_KEY_HERE above with your api key.