Once you learn the best way to push data from your data source into Dimension, how do I automate it?
Sending data to Dimension via the tracker is as easy as sending one POST request. However, executing this workflow in a modern tech stack and production environment requires some additional infrastructure to scale properly. Dimension usually recommends ephemeral functions, known in Amazon Web Services (AWS) as Lambda Functions, in Google Cloud Platform as Cloud Functions, and by other names across various providers. For processing in a timely fashion, consider sending your data either in real-time as it is created due to interaction with your bot, or rolled up to every 15 minutes.
Code for this will need to be written separately, though we have some generalized examples of how this might be achieved. Your final solution will likely be different and specific to your business needs!
As a further example, here is how you might set up a Lambda Function in AWS that sends these requests to Dimension.
AWS Lambda Example
First, open AWS and go to the Lambda Service.
Create a new function by clicking the Create Function button.
Name it something memorable then click Create Function to confirm.
Next, we want to trigger this function every 15 minutes. This is accomplished in AWS with the EventBridge service. First navigate to EventBridge from the AWS Console.
Navigate to the Rules page on the left hand side of the screen and then click “Create Rule.”
On the next page, switch to a Schedule rule type and then click the “Continue to EventBridge Scheduler” button.
On the next page, navigate to the “Schedule pattern” modal, choose “Recurring schedule” and “Rate-based schedule” for their particular types and enter “15 minutes” for the rate, as shown below.
Click the Next button. On the next screen, click AWS Lambda as the target.
Finally, choose the Lambda function created above. Click the Next button twice, and then “Create Schedule”. You should now be able to see the Lambda triggered every 15 minutes sending data to Dimension!