Once you fetch your data and are ready to format it, what is the best way to do so?

There are only 3 required fields when passing data into Dimension, but being aware of all the possible fields and how to format them are equally important when it comes to configuring your unstructured data to be passed into Dimension.

The main requirements are User ID, Message, and a timestamp. However, there are several pieces of Metadata that you are already collecting that may be useful for analyzing and enriching your unstructured data. Metadata such as Intents and Events are not required, but when passed through to Dimension, these data elements can be leveraged to produce higher fidelity enrichments, insights and visualizations.

Below are some fields or parameters you can send to Dimension along with the format needed.

Message Format

You can send the following fields:

textRequired Text of the messageString
userIdRequired This should be the same userId for both incoming and outgoing messages. This is not the bot’s user IDString
intent(Optional) An object containing intent metadataObject
images(Optional) Urls to any imagesArray<Object>
buttons(Optional) Button options in the messageArray<Object>
postback(Optional) Record of any button clicksObject
platformJson(Optional) Send your platform-specific message JSON here. It will be available for viewing in your transcripts. Reporting on this data is available with our enterprise plan.Object
platformUserJson(Optional) send any user-specific information (ie. zipcode, A/B test group, etc). Reporting on this data is available from audience builder, with our enterprise plan.

If you use these exact field names, they will be used in the expected places on reports:
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • locale
  • timezone
  • gender
sessionId(Optional) if you do not want to calculate sessions based on the 5-minute message timeout, you may send sessionId instead.String
dimension_timestamp(Optional) if you want to use your server timestamp you can send a unix-timestamp value see Advanced Usage for more informationNumber

Additional Metadata Format

If you're sending metadata fields, the following formats are needed:

The intent object includes:

namename of intentString
inputsintent inputsArray<Object>

The intent input object has fields:

nameinput nameString
valueinput valueString

The images field contains image objects that have the fields:

urlurl of the imageString

The buttons field contains button objects that have the fields:

idid of the buttonString
labellabel for the buttonString
valuevalue of the buttonString

The postback includes the fields:

buttonClickButton click objectObject

The button click object includes:

buttonIdid of the clicked buttonString